Mega Energy Boost – Exercise

Mega Energy Boost Exercise

Mega Energy Boost – Exercise

We’re continuing with our topic of achieving a Mega Energy Boost (#spiritsexlab_energyboost) and today we’re discussing how we can use EXERSICE & MOVEMENT to bring more energy into our fields! Each coming Tuesday, stay tuned for lots of useful info and practical tips, follow along and share with your friends!

Benefits of exercise are numerous and affect us multidimensionally. On the physical level, exercise has been shown to lower risk of cancer, stroke, improve cardiovascular health. It has also been linked with the emotional well-being boost as well as the better brain health. Moreover, the psychological part of exercise has been shown to directly correlate with energy levels: You feel better and feel more energy.

Below I have outlined a few ideas on how to stay fit, exercise and add more movement into your life:

  • Listen to your body, take exercise at your own level, gently push your comfort limits to grow
  • Feel into what you love the most and do that – nature walks, ecstatic dance, striptease, bike – sky is the limit when you’re embracing your passions
  • Mix up cardio workouts with muscle conditioning exercises
  • Switch up your exercise routine from time to time to keep your body engaged (cycling, weights, running etc.)
  • Nothing is impossible – so set the goals for yourself and follow through by celebrating little victories!
  • Seek support and community (class exercise, gym buddy, personal trainer)

I also notice that for me consistency and patience are the key. It’s important to: prioritize and align with healthy lifestyle postulates.


  • Make a choice to take the stairs instead of an escalator/driving
  • Choose physically challenging leisure activities that you’d enjoy
  • Whenever you have a choice to move or stand still – move!

Hope you’ve found this blog post useful. Comment what your favourite way to move your body is! xoxo

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