Energy Orgasm

Will you join me tonight?

The truth is, this FREE Webinar may change your life 😉 Or at the very least give you lots of food for thought about brining more pleasure, magic, depth and emotional balance into your life. Join me tonight at 7:00PM EST (Can’t make it? Sign up and get your FREE recording):

Alice in PolyLand Party Part 3

Alice in PolyLand Party Part 2

Remember the Ice Breaker Game cards? I was so happy to see people connecting, approaching each other, chatting and so much more! One of the guests has interpreted the “dare to consensually kiss” card as something a lot more intimate, offered it to one of her play friends and happily retreated into a sex positive area 😉 It was such a hot scene!

Love louder

Love louder

LOVING LOUDER!! Can you relate? 😉 Fun experiential: to act out the wildest orgasm ever. Even if it doesn’t feel natural: make noise, move your body, breathe into your belly!! I’ve found this practice really allows us fully embrace our sensuality and experience the wider amplitude of sensual expression!! Let’s us feel more alive, open and free. Try it and please let me know how it worked.

Alice in PolyLand Part 1

Alice in PolyLand Party Part 1

So many of you who couldn’t make it to the Alice in Polyland party have asked to tell the tale

I’m happy to share some of the incredible things that our guests have enjoyed and explored. Of course privacy and anonymity are very important to us. I will therefore share the events in general terms and won’t mention any names or go into details with regards to personal experiences. Consider my story a three fantasy tale where reality and fantasy are intertwined 😉


It’s soaking here!

Pleasure is pleasure:) Touch free! Can you believe it?!

Join my Free upcoming Energy Orgasms Webinar on February 17th, 7pmEST to learn more:


Sensual Exploration

What a wonderful podcast I just appeared on! Will share more soon! Lots of personal stories, open and deep talk about sexuality, spirituality and pleasure!

Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from my interview with Dauphine Magazine from a year back:

1. What are your top 3 tips or tricks to ‘ignite your passion’? How does one dive into the world of sexuality and exploration?
Wonderful question! Nothing beats the shared energy of kindness, acceptance and a loving connection (for yourself and a partner) as a foundation for the following tips:

Alice in Polyland

Alice in Polyland – erotica

Please let me introduce myself. My name is Evguenia and I’m going to let you in on a little secret… Over the past few years I have written some spicy, sensual, deep, wild and soulful stories of my Alter Ego Alice and would love to share these with you! Alice is a mother and a polyamorous wife, an artist, and a healer. An entrepreneur. A sexuality educator. A lover. A seductress.

Energy Orgasm

Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course – Personal Story

Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course – Personal Story (join my FREE Energy Orgasm webinar to learn more:

I often get asked what do energetic orgasms feel like and how do you achieve one? My very first energetic orgasm was an ecstatic experience to say the least… Want to know how it went? Here’s a little glimpse into this story.


Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – December 2020

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – December 2020
Just sent off a freshly squeezed newsletter, in it you can find:

Watch this incredible video & stay tuned for Course Announcement!
Meet my awesome client K. S., talented architect from TO
Meet my wonderful client P. F., a successful professional from USA


Kundalini Energy

Kundalini (excerpt from my upcoming Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course, join my free Energy Orgasm Foundations webinar here:

In Taoist and Hindu philosophy, kundalini is a powerful divine energy that lays coiled like a snake at the base of our spine or our root center in the perineum.

The kundalini gets awakened at our root energy center that acts like the catalyst that ignites that engine, while Lower Tan Tien becomes the engine or generator of this vital life-energy. When this dormant energy is freed it flows upward through the seven centers – and leads to an expanded state of consciousness, known as a kundalini awakening.