
Abundance of femininity, power and playfulness

“Alice exudes an abundance of femininity, power, and playfulness and is one of the most daring, sensual, and fun women I have ever met.”
A. V. , Financial Director

I used to be a very self conscious child. Bullied at school, unpopular, unsure of myself. I used to hate speaking up, connecting to strangers and being seen. I don’t feel this way anymore majority of the time… I can connect with the sensual, seductive and powerful energy source within myself  or drop into a more vulnerable self. I am happy to chat to strangers and love deeply connecting with people.

Trust in Dreams

Trust in Dreams

“Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.”
Khalil Gibran

What are you dreaming of? I’m dreaming of judgement-free, inclusive world where everyone is free to be who they are deep down inside, sharing their unique gifts with the world. That and world-wide #energyorgasm day lol

I got my own back

I got my own back

“I got my own back.”Maya Angelou Is it true for you? I believe living in the society we are all interconnected and […]

1200 Followers Contest

1200 Followers – thank you!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for following along! We hit 1200 followers on IG and FB (@Spiritsexlab) and I’m very happy to see […]

Healing Transformation

Healing Transformation

“The magnitude of healing transformation is indescribable. After the Kundalini workshop I became better aligned with my true inner self. I felt […]

Ready to take on the world

“Ready to take on the world and be in the present. To feel.” www.AliceInPolyLand.com What is your bliss? Read about mine in […]

Alter Ego

Alter Ego

“Connect with your Alter Ego and Her Dominant personality. Feel into which three adjectives you would use to describe yourself…” www.aliceinpolyland.com Tell […]