Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace: Voices Inside – SuperEgo

Many of us send harsh and judgemental messages toward ourselves without even realizing we’re doing it. There’s a constant chatter in our heads – a voice that evaluates, a voice that condemns. This voice is called a superego – ‘internalized parental voice’ that constantly compares us with an ideal, a perfection. Lots of anxiety and shame/guilt may result from listening to this voice without a discernment. That is why it’s important to witness it and question the messages it sends out.

Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace: Voices Inside – Shadow

Have you met your Shadow? At times, we get triggered by noticing things which we really dislike in others. We may also at times encounter strong feelings of hate, anger, fear, wanting to hurt the other or separate from them… Carl Jung called this part of our personality a Lower Self / Shadow.

Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace: Voices Inside

Have you noticed how busy our minds get? If you get very still, you might be able to notice multiple voices inside. It might seem silly or even a waste of time trying to listen to or deciphering among them, but please believe me when I say that it’s one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. It’s a difference between achieving ALL of your goals, dreams and visions and feeling stuck, stagnant, blocked off and unable to align with the best version of yourself for years to come.

5 Practices to dissolve obstacles that are holding you back

Often times we feel stuck in life, unable to proceed. This might be affecting our personal, relational or professional lives. There might also be a fear of spiraling into depression or continuing to miss out on enjoying the present. Lack of confidence, isolation and negative thinking might be some of the causes of inability to start achieving the goals we set for ourselves.

Couple’s Mission Statement

This past 2nd anniversary with The Mystery Man, part of my present to him included a little book guiding us to come up with our couple’s mission statement. Couple’s mission statement is a great way to align our goals, dreams, have a deep heart to heart conversation on what we’d like our relationship to be. Below is a quick and powerful guide on creating a mission statement – it’s a great idea for established couples, new partners or singles thinking about the type of relationship we’d like to create.

Private Guided Sex Club Tour – October 29, 2021 Halloween Party

Private Guided Sex Club Tour HALLOWEEN PARTY edition – October 29th, 2021

Very first Private Guided Sex Club Tour past Pandemic and Halloween Party in one!!! Limited spots available for October 29, 2021!! Are you curious to see what happens behind the closed doors of an adult playground club? Would you like to meet other like-minded folks, take one step closer to experiencing your fantasies and letting go of inhibitions within
your comfort limits?

The loved you

The Loved You

The Loved You Do you feel like at times you’re very critical of yourself? The way you look in the mirror, talk, […]