Energy Orgasm Sarah

Energy Orgasm: Meet Sarah

Meet my wonderful Energy Orgasm client Sarah, she’s a successful creative professional from US. She came out to my Energy Orgasm Webinar and took part on an Energy Orgasm session that you can see below. She squirted multiple times during a recent Long Distance Energy Orgasm video.

Q & A: Sex Club, Identities

Q & A: Sex Club, Identities

Question: Do people usually use their real names at these places? Or fake names? Or completely anonymous (don’t ask?) If we like a couple and want to get in touch with them later for more fun, is it OK to ask for contact info?

Energy Orgasm Webinar: Meet Bob

Meet my wonderful client Bob, a successful business professional and a wonderful artist from Wisconsin. Bob and I have been exploring Personal Transformation, Sexual Guidance, Self Confidence, Energy Orgasms etc. long distance for a few months now. In the short while we’re worked together Bob has gone through an incredible multidimensional transformation.

Life changing sensual healing work

I remember how it all began. An unsettling feeling of something missing in my seemingly perfect life, restriction on the body level, emotional blockages, tightness, sensation of not being fully aligned with who I was inside. Then came years of soul searching, personal growth, opening up my marriage and finally embarking on an incredibly freeing journey towards discovering who I actually am deep down inside.

sex so good

Sex so good!

Sex so good – love it!! However, I’m not endorsing cigarette smoking 🙂

Derek Energy Orgasm

Multiple Orgasms for any gender

Meet Derek a beautifully open-minded and -hearted soul, and watch him experience pleasure over and over again! Touch free, energy-based, incredible body / mind / heart / soul phenomenon.
Join me for a FREE WEBINAR tomorrow to learn more about Energy Orgasms: