Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – December ’19

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – December, 2019

Are you part of Spirit Sex Lab family? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover everything personal growth, pleasure and desire related.
Imagine my account would get blocked and you’d never hear from me again  I’d miss you terribly!

Please see my Latest Newsletter and Subscribe: http://eepurl.com/gb3nzf

Holidays Gifts and Celebrations


For the next 10 days I’M CELEBRATING YOU!

To all of my incredible, open-minded, successful, deep, uplifting followers!! Year 2020 is coming up in just 20 days and I’d like to offer an incredible gift to you – 20% off energy therapy and sexual guidance services packages*.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found (A New Chapter)

Lost and Found (A New Chapter)

Alice felt LOST.

This dense low vibrating energy that existed as an inner darkness right smack the middle of her chest and radiated all the way out into the world felt frightening, lonely and overwhelming. What was worse is a complete sense of identity loss. Disconnect not only from the world and others but also herself.

She could understand the grief that came along with the end of her long-term relationship. Alice was still trying to paste together multiple puzzle pieces and intense experiences of the last three and a half years: huge tidal waves ranging from blissful, spicy, loving and profound highs, to painful, excruciating, and insulting lows…

Open Relationships – Video

Open Relationships – Video

We are all unique and deserve a unique solution when it comes to being in a relationship. Not many sources discuss it, but once you dig a bit deeper, the options are vast! Just spoke to someone yesterday and he’d mentioned how his whole life he has tried to follow the societal norms in so many areas of his life, but recently has arrived at a conclusion that he needs to choose his own path. For him it meant, experiencing polyamory.

How to not feel jealous

Q & A: How to not Feel Jealous

How to not Feel Jealous Q: Dear Evguenia, I’m in an open relationship and feel jealousy quite often. Are there any suggestions […]

Open-hearted Relationships Webinar – December 8, 2019

Open-hearted Relationships

This webinar will give you an abundance of tools, suggestions and resources to learn about many ways in which relationships could be designed and expressed, we will also cover common questions such as boundaries, jealousy, scheduling, sex safety and communication.

Contraction follows expansion

Contraction always follows an expansion

“Just like the beginning of the winter is inevitable, a contraction always follows an expansion.” www.aliceinpolyland.com Have you heard of such a […]

Kink party 16

Kink 101 Workshop and Guided Tour – Aftermath

Kink 101 Workshop and Guided Tour – Aftermath

WHAT A BLAST! Thanks co much to our incredible kink tour participants and a beautiful model! The dungeon looked gorgeous in all of it’s glory with multiple fantasy rooms. Everyone felt comfortable, safe and playful ? We had a wonderful hilarious scene with our beautiful cat model. The setting took place in a vet office and we examined her in detail from head to toe! Making sure all of her cat parts worked perfectly. Spanking, tickling and electric therapies have been administered to make sure she was in the best possible standing. At the end her tummy got brushed and a mouse was given as a prize ? Pet play is so much fun!