what do I desire

What do I desire?

“It is so importance to answer this question: What do I desire?”
Alan Watts

Right now for me – Connection. What word comes to mind for you?


The whole universe

“You are something that the whole Universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.” Alan Watts

Be completely engaged

“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged in what you’re doing in the here and now.”
Alan Watts

See the light

See the light in others

“See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.”
Ram Dass

Let’s start this week on a positive, lighter note 😉 Tag someone special and let them know what you really appreciate about them.

Contraction follows expansion

Contraction always follows an expansion

“Just like the beginning of the winter is inevitable, a contraction always follows an expansion.” www.aliceinpolyland.com Have you heard of such a […]

work is love

Work is love

“Work is love made visible.”
Khalil Gibran

I can definitely relate – absolutely love what I do. Of course, like anyone else I do have days when I feel overwhelmed, tired and defeated… But mostly – so joyous and very grateful! How about you guys? Are you passionate about your career choices? Or, even in a broader sense – life’s work, house work etc. Do you agree that work is love made visible?

We are but older children dear

“We are but older children dear, who fret to find our bedtime near.”Lewis Carroll Kink has always reminded me of kids play. […]

we are all mad

We are all mad

“We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
Louse Carrol

Now that we got that our of the way lol What’s your sensual super power or super fantasy 😉
Come experience it with me! www.spiritsexlab.com/events

Life loves

“Life loves the liver of it.” Maya Angelou Are you living your life to the fullest? The single most important awareness gift […]

Our Lives and choices

Sum of choices we have made

“Our lives are a sum of choices we have made.” Wayne Dyer Do you agree? Just recently had a conversation on how […]