Self Esteem

Self-esteem and self-love work; discovering essence


So many of us are quite self critical, unsure of how to love ourselves unconditionally and are lucking self confidence. I’ve been there myself multiple times – feeling ashamed of my own desires, thoughts and needs. Unable to look at myself in the mirror without criticizing the way I looked. Getting easily upset with my own emotional reactions and “sensitivities”.  

The good news is, that Neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer used) allows us to change negative patterns of thinking into the positive ones.


Busy holding onto your unworthiness.

“Your problem is you’re… too busy holding onto your unworthiness.”
Ram Dass

Yes. There’s a personal story connected to this saying. One day at a rock climbing gym as I was reaching the top of the tall climbing wall I had a moment of intense fear. “You can’t do it”, – the fear said to me “this is unsafe, you will fall down, you’re just not strong enough”. It was a momentary uncomfortable experience, fear gripping my whole body and thoughts racing in my head. I looked down and saw my partner belaying me (essentially I was being held by a strong rope and so no matter what would happen, the worst outcome would’ve been me just dangling a bit in the air until I grabbed onto a stone again). I took a deep breath and looked up and noticed that I only had 3 more stones to go, I knew I was physically strong enough to proceed. And then it hit me “I was the one stopping myself. Always”.

Identifying Needs



Once, someone very wise has mentioned to me that while growing up we go through three stages of understanding ourselves and the world around us:

Learning what our parents and society believe we should be like and the societal norms we need to follow
Realizing that not everyone follows the same principles in life
Redefining for ourselves what our needs, values and belief systems are

difficult emotions

Managing difficult emotions


“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” — Sigmund Freud

… Pain. This familiar intense feeling of burning usually starts just below my navel, radiating up through my chest… Creating an excruciating pressing sensation between my breasts and moving up towards the throat. This energy – wanting to come out as a scream, a cry… Tears appearing and pouring out of my eyes. And another wave – covering me head to toe…

walking each other home

Walking each other home

“We’re all just walking each other home.”

Ram Dass

We’re such social creatures – others help us see ourselves, experience our energy, learn. Everyone I’m interacting with on daily basis is teaching me something about me and the world. People that are close to me, family members, relationships, friendships, clients – are all journey partners that accompany me in this life. I, in turn, am journeying and reflecting back to them who they are. Isn’t it incredible? Please connect and tag your favorite fellow traveler. 

I feel very happy

” I know I haven’t messaged you in a while and wanted to just say hi and let you know that everything is going really well!
I’ve been doing meditation and practicing gratitude. I feel very happy and things are going great!”

M. K.
Private Session Client

Feeling energized, laughing, and loving myself

“My favorite part was when I felt and saw an exuberant orange color expanding from my sacral chakra out to the world and got up feeling energized, laughing, and loving myself. I want to tell all my friends how highly I recommend working with Evguenia!”

man suffers

Man suffers

“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the Gods made for fun.”
Alan Watts

“Stop overthinking it”, they say. “You’re too emotional, sensitive, focused, zoomed in…” Do any of these sound familiar? At times, we get overwhelmed by negative emotions and obsessive thought patterns. One of the best tool I’ve found to quiet the mind is called a flying bird technique. Please see below and let me know your coping mechanisms.



“Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.”

Wayne Dyer

So very true. Whenever you’re lost in anxious thoughts, please notice that the turmoil is usually mostly happening between your temples… The life itself is flowing effortlessly and graciously all around us with a multitude of miracles taking place everywhere. Taking a deep breath, witnessing the thoughts and allowing the emotions to be here without a judgement is a great way to experience the now. Comment: what miracles have you noticed today 😉