Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery

Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery Course

Benefits of experiencing Energy Orgasms

The following are some of the possible benefits you may experience once you learn to achieve Energy Orgasms. Curious to know more? Join March 24th webinar at 7pm EST or watch the free recording that comes with registration:

Deep Dive Healing – Abe’s experience

Want to know what takes place during a Deep Dive Healing session with me via Zoom? Watch this video and hear what Abe had to say about his powerful experience (he initially thought that this work sounded like a lot of Foo-foo 🙂 but was very pleasantly surprised)!

step into unknown

Do you know what you’re made of?

As long as we stay comfortable and don’t challenge ourselves – we’re missing out on parts of life and our identity that could bring us lots of happiness, freedom, joy and pleasure.

energy orgasm

Its’ like S*x and Therapy in one!

“I feel like I just had therapy and s*x in one session!”

“Mmmm where was I?”

“It was like I had s*x with my partner, but I didn’t. Well, thank you honey! It’s like I just energetically f*cked you!”

“I feel fantastic”

“I gained a lot of self-awareness, knowledge, released blockages and allowed more blissful energy in!”

Just a few comments by our beautiful model on her experience about Energy Orgasm (excerpt from Energy Orgasm Solo Mastery course coming out soon).
Join my free webinar on EO:

Self Love Testimonial

Self Love


So many of us are quite self critical, unsure of how to love ourselves unconditionally and are lucking self confidence. I’ve been there myself multiple times – feeling ashamed of my own desires, thoughts and needs. Unable to look at myself in the mirror without criticizing the way I looked. Getting easily upset with my own emotional reactions and “sensitivities”.

when we are tired

When we are tired

Things have been challenging lately, I know! If you’re struggling today – I’m sending you a big bear hug. Please remember that thoughts you may be struggling with right now may just be due to how you’re feeling. Notice whether these ideas are factual or just an emotional reaction to the current situation.

Very Pleased

That’s what I like to hear 😉

Join me for your free 20 minute consultation to learn how you can feel this energetically aligned:


Deviation from the norm

deviate from the norm.

And what is norm anyways? If we’re all so unique, could there really be a set of perfectly outlined, agreed upon norms? Or is it more like a spectrum? I love guidelines that are used in kink play: CSS: Consensual, Safe and Sane. I believe as long as three of these parameters are met, anything we feel or do is OK. Thoughts?

energy exchange

Energy Exchange

It’s true – there’s a powerful energy exchange happens in our sessions together. It’s an interesting phenomenon – in day to day life we seldom experience the level of energetic connection we do during a healing / energy work session. There are a few reasons for it:

I was professionally trained to modulate my energy field and increase frequencies to affect you in all of the right ways 😉

I teach you to become a lot more sensitive to energy flow that helps you in your life with emotional regulation, stress release, pleasure enhancement etc

Our boundaries shift from just two people looking at each other from our rooms to connected, aligned, energetic beings