Energy Orgasm

Solid Overview of Energy Orgasms and Human Energy Field

Why is it a good idea to learn about Energy Orgasms and Energy field that surrounds us? Because we are made of energy – all positive changes, pleasure-filled ecstatic experiences, happiness, joy, balance, goal manifestation originate as energy before they solidify into matter. Want to learn the secrets of achieving your goals and dreams? Sign up for this free no obligation webinar on December 3rd at 7pm EST:

November newsletter

Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – November

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – November 2020

Just sent off a freshly squeezed newsletter, in it you can find:

Watch Stuart react to an Energy Orgasm in disbelief
Meet my wonderful client Shay, LinkedIn influencer and video coach extraordinaire from Miami
Meet my incredible personal transformation client Stuart, a former criminal lawyer from TO  
Exclusive Energy Orgasm Foundations Webinar (December 3, 7pm)

Connection Self

Connection: Oneself

Today, I’d like to focus on a connection to oneself and shed some light as to what is happening inside of us. […]


Doubt all things – personal journey

When I was first embarking on the personal development journey, I remember a wise person telling me  that we go through three stages in life:

Growing up we accept and learn from those who surround us about life’s principles, values, norms and expectations; we adapt their belief systems

Later in life we realize that there are different ways of looking at the same subject, multiple belief systems and truths among people

Finally we arrive at peeling off all of the layers and questioning them with scrutiny – deciding for ourselves which beliefs we want to keep and which ones are not serving us any longer

October Newsletter

Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – October 2020

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – October 2020

Just sent off a freshly squeezed newsletter, in it you can find:

Watch my video to learn science behind long distance healings, meet my clients and read all about their experiences

Client testimonial

Personal Transformation: Meet my wonderful client B.

Meet my incredible personal transformation client B., she’s a successful entrepreneur from Canada. B. and I have been exploring Personal Transformation, Relationships, Sexual Guidance and Self Confidence

Here’s what she had to say about her experience working with me:

“I came across SpiritSexLab in Instagram, and don’t really recall what algorithms and clicks brought me to her page but I am so happy I landed there. 

woman love

Woman who loves her body

I’m a true believer that my judgements say more about me than others. Have you noticed that at times you may get triggered by noticing things which your really dislike in others? We may also at times encounter strong feelings of hate, anger, fear, wanting to hurt other or separate from them… Carl Jung called this part of our personality a Lower Self / Shadow.


Huge Relief!

I used to hold onto to a lot of things, memories, attachments, blockages, idealized self image concepts for the longest time and that tension used to weigh me down. Upholding an image or a  persona, keeping emotions / reactions deep within ourselves and trying to be the idealized version of ourselves takes up a lot of energy, work and tenses us up. If you pause for a second to notice any tension in your body and start breathing into each area with a focused attention, you may start noticing how you long for a release.