Healing Wounds

Healing Your Wounds Webinar Aftermath

“Meditation was very helpful for grounding me to listen to my self differently today.”
“Meditation was super  – your voice is very soothing! I completely fell asleep and felt refreshed and balanced.”

“Thank you for the webinar. The Universe had me fall asleep for most of your talk”

Energy Work and Blocks removal

Did you know that Quantum field theory tells us that universe is comprised of many infinitely-large vibrational fields.
Furthermore, any disease, both mental and physical first presents itself on the energy level. The blockages that many of us feel inside are preventing us from from fully expressing ourselves and experiencing pleasure, sensuality and bliss. Join me tonight for a FREE webinar on exactly this topic and I’ll share a few helpful resources on the road to releasing the blockages and stagnated emotions. Sign Up: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/RemoveBlocks