Feel perfectly free

” One is a great deal less anxious if one feels perfectly free to be anxious, and the same may be said […]

Thank you for following along!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for following along! We hit 1,600 followers on IG, 2,100 on YouTube and FB needs to catch up lol (@Spiritsexlab) and I’m very happy to see you here!

Without you, there would be no blog. No sharing space to openly discuss Sexuality, Spirituality, Personal Growth and Pleasure. ❤️

Let me introduce myself. I always offer to play a little game when I meet more of you! I’ll give you 3 truths and 1 lie about me. Please guess which one is the latter (1-4). Please also comment to introduce yourself – would love to know who you are and where you’re from!

I feel very happy

” I know I haven’t messaged you in a while and wanted to just say hi and let you know that everything is going really well!
I’ve been doing meditation and practicing gratitude. I feel very happy and things are going great!”

M. K.
Private Session Client

Managing Difficult Emotions: P3

Managing Difficult Emotions, Three part Series. Part three. (Please read previous parts here: Part One & Part Two) 4. Processing Processing happens differently […]

Touch & Go – Still Waters Run Deep 

Touch & Go – Still Waters Run Deep 

1 – Kiss me on the lips
…Alice was used to experiencing an intensely burning fire. Connection with Valen was different. It started off slowly. He was so unlike anyone she’s ever met before – extremely smart, confident, in charge, deep, yet vulnerably touching with a pinch of shyness thrown in and a child’s sense of wonder.

He had a huge smile on his face as soon as she’d joined him at the local café for the very first date. “Such an exciting energy he has”, Alice thought looking into his sparkling eyes. Deep conversations intertwined with laughs and personal sharing – she loved it all.


Questions asked the wrong way

“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.”

Alan Watts


CBT: Super Ego / Negative Self Talk

CBT: Super Ego / Negative Self Talk

How are you feeling today? As promised, I’m continuing to share incredibly helpful stress release techniques I use in my practice. If you find these helpful, please like, share and tag your friends!


Wisdom, understanding and guidance

“Many thanks for your wisdom, understanding, and guidance. You are a wonderful coach and I appreciate all you have done in helping me navigate my feelings and energy. I am feeling unburdened today and have a better perspective of life following our session. Thank you as well for the resource materials.”

10 Ways Self Confidence

10 ways to boost self confidence

10 ways to boost self confidence

Notice your Super Ego and set a boundary (Super Ego is an internalizing parental voice that constantly judges us to be less than who we are, learn to identify it and work through it)
Write negative thoughts down and question (CBT works wonders when it comes to questioning one’s negative thoughts – I have a hand out available)
Set intention aligned with the vision (See, taste, feel, hear, fully experience being confident, joyous and happy; set the intention to manifest this)
Add self love to your daily practice (I have a few great practices – happy to share)
Ask for painting with love / outside feedback (Beautiful way to feel the loving outside reflection – please search Painting with love in my blog at www.spiritsexlab.com)
Take sexy selfies / admire or share (Love those – have you tried?)
Get sensual clothes (Yes please)
Step outside of comfort zone + visit a playground (Oh my, nothing like an adult playground to boost one’s confidence levels)
Learn sexy skills (Knowledge is power)
Get to know + express your alter ego (Who are you deep down inside? Bring out your sexy!)