work is love

Work is love

“Work is love made visible.”
Khalil Gibran

I can definitely relate – absolutely love what I do. Of course, like anyone else I do have days when I feel overwhelmed, tired and defeated… But mostly – so joyous and very grateful! How about you guys? Are you passionate about your career choices? Or, even in a broader sense – life’s work, house work etc. Do you agree that work is love made visible?

Grab those things

“Grab those things that make you happy.”

What makes you happy? What is it that you need? There’s a great exercise I like doing with my clients – we sit down and write out all of our needs and fantasies… Things that make us happy on all 4 levels: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual…

Life loves

“Life loves the liver of it.” Maya Angelou Are you living your life to the fullest? The single most important awareness gift […]

engaging and wonderful workshop

Engaging and Wonderful workshop

“Evguenia, huge thank you for yesterday’s evening. The workshop was very engaging and wonderful. Ladies that have felt a bit shy at […]

Fear of the strength within

Fear of the strength within

“What drives these internal and external walls? Fear. Fear of the strength within.” Do you notice internal blockages inside that stop […]

Our intention creates our reality

Our Intention

“Our intention creates our reality” Wayne Dyer. Couldn’t agree more. Each time you connect with someone, ask yourself what the intention is. […]

energy orgasm tantra

Energetic Orgasm

Energetic Orgasm: Tantra “It was very interesting for us to explore energetic orgasm. Evguenia is a real professional and very kind person […]

future is promised to no one

Future is promised to on one

“Go for it now, the future is promised to no one.” Wayne Dyer What is it you’re passionate about? What makes you […]