10 Ways Self Confidence

10 ways to boost self confidence

10 ways to boost self confidence

Notice your Super Ego and set a boundary (Super Ego is an internalizing parental voice that constantly judges us to be less than who we are, learn to identify it and work through it)
Write negative thoughts down and question (CBT works wonders when it comes to questioning one’s negative thoughts – I have a hand out available)
Set intention aligned with the vision (See, taste, feel, hear, fully experience being confident, joyous and happy; set the intention to manifest this)
Add self love to your daily practice (I have a few great practices – happy to share)
Ask for painting with love / outside feedback (Beautiful way to feel the loving outside reflection – please search Painting with love in my blog at www.spiritsexlab.com)
Take sexy selfies / admire or share (Love those – have you tried?)
Get sensual clothes (Yes please)
Step outside of comfort zone + visit a playground (Oh my, nothing like an adult playground to boost one’s confidence levels)
Learn sexy skills (Knowledge is power)
Get to know + express your alter ego (Who are you deep down inside? Bring out your sexy!)

feelings and energy

Navigate my feelings and energy

“Many thanks for your wisdom, understanding, and guidance. You are a wonderful coach and I appreciate all you have done in helping me navigate my feelings and energy. I am feeling unburdened today and have a better perspective of life following our session. Thank you as well for the resource materials.”

G. S. Private Guidance Session

Feeling so grateful to be doing this work with incredible people. Truly blessed. xoxo