difficult emotions

Managing difficult emotions


“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” — Sigmund Freud

… Pain. This familiar intense feeling of burning usually starts just below my navel, radiating up through my chest… Creating an excruciating pressing sensation between my breasts and moving up towards the throat. This energy – wanting to come out as a scream, a cry… Tears appearing and pouring out of my eyes. And another wave – covering me head to toe…

permanent = lifeless


“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the ore it tends to be lifeless.”

Alan Watts

Have you noticed this? It is so interesting… As Esther Perel says – humans beings have two opposing needs:

First need is for security and safety, consistency and predictability
Second, and quite the opposite – for novelty, excitement and unpredictability