difficult emotions

Managing difficult emotions


“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” — Sigmund Freud

… Pain. This familiar intense feeling of burning usually starts just below my navel, radiating up through my chest… Creating an excruciating pressing sensation between my breasts and moving up towards the throat. This energy – wanting to come out as a scream, a cry… Tears appearing and pouring out of my eyes. And another wave – covering me head to toe…


Universe experiencing itself

“You are the universe experiencing itself.”
Alan Watts

When I studied Kabbalah, this was one of the concepts that fascinated me the most and sounded very true… Perhaps, there’s no judgement, good or bad, right or wrong as we’re playing and simply experiencing ourselves. We are experiencing our bodies, playing with the idea of free will, noticing our emotions, thoughts rising and falling… Experiencing life cycles of growth. Hightening our vibrations, sharing them with others.



“Grieve. So that you can be free to feel something else.” Nayyirah Waheed Impermanence of this life is tough isn’t it? One […]

set your life on fire

Set your life on fire

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” Rumi Ever since I’ve gone through my #thyroidcancer healing journey experience, […]