Female Pleasure Orgasms_July9

July 9, 7PM – Webinar: Female Pleasure + Orgasms

We will go over many pleasure increasing tips and ideas on adding more spice in, speak about an incredible clitoris (spoiler alert: it’s a lot more than just a small little button), cover G-spot and squirting stimulation techniques (some background information can be found here: https://spiritsexlab.com/2018/02/20/squirting-g-spot-orgasms-2/), go over Cervical orgasms and touch upon Energy Orgasms, energy centers and ways to move our energy (Here’s a bit of a background info on what energy orgasms are all about: https://spiritsexlab.com/2018/03/02/spiritual-connection-energetic-orgasms/)

Alice in Polyland

Read Alice in Polyland – Erotica

Hi Lovely! Have you ever felt restricted or repressed in fully expressing who you are deep down inside at your very core? Perhaps, you’ve come from a conservative background where any expression of sexuality has been forbidden. Maybe, you’ve been in a long term relationship and have lost the fire within. Possibly, you’re on a journey of bringing more passion into your life and redefining yourself.

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – July 2020

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – July 2020

Just sent off a freshly squeezed newsletter. Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover personal growth, pleasure and desire-related topics and helpful tips.

Body Paint

Painter’s brush – Incredible Synchronicity

Incredible synchronicity is all around. We just need to know how to attract the right events and manifest our dreams (Ask me to help you tap into your Level of Intention).
Recently, I’ve been experiencing quite an instant ability of manifesting dreams and being in the flow. Just yesterday, I had a great body painting night and before I even had a chance to post on it, got this poem in mail. It’s this astounding?! Thank you.

Letting Go

Letting go of old painful patterns / relationships

Letting go of old painful patterns / relationships (D + R)

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” – Jack Kornfield

Do you have trouble disconnecting from the people you dated or loved? If so, you’re not alone. According to the attachment theory we all attach in various ways. Some are avoidant and tend to connect slowly and reluctantly. Others attach and detach with ease. Letting go for someone who has an anxious attachment style is especially hard.

Energy Orgasms Aftermath – thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the Energy Orgasm webinar foundations yesterday!

We had a blast learning about the EO phenomenon, experiencing energy, going over benefits and some of us had the best time ever 😉 Below is some feedback from the participants during the session (please pay attention to S’s comments ;))

Energy Orgasm

Energy Orgasm Personal Story

“… All of a sudden, her body started moving of its own accord. It scared her. A sexual wave, a strong involuntary movement ran through her body. Another. And the Next.

“What is happening to me?” she asked him. He smiled. She could clearly see that he was not touching her. Tracey was intently looking at her vulva and moving his hands a few inches above it without physically stimulating her. As he later told her, he was playing with her energy field, pleasuring her with the power of his focused intention. But at the moment, she was completely puzzled as to what was taking place…

Energy Orgasm

June 25, 7PM – New Exclusive Energy Orgasm Foundations webinar

Join this Exclusive Energetic Orgasm webinar to learn to experience ecstatic bliss by yourself and as a couple. Ultimate union with the universe, total oneness are possible. To create this profound connection, we will cover experiential energy play, uncovering energetic, emotional and mental blocks, energy-based sexual/spiritual practices focusing on strengthening the sexual force within you. All welcome.

Energy Work and Blocks removal

Did you know that Quantum field theory tells us that universe is comprised of many infinitely-large vibrational fields.
Furthermore, any disease, both mental and physical first presents itself on the energy level. The blockages that many of us feel inside are preventing us from from fully expressing ourselves and experiencing pleasure, sensuality and bliss. Join me tonight for a FREE webinar on exactly this topic and I’ll share a few helpful resources on the road to releasing the blockages and stagnated emotions. Sign Up: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/RemoveBlocks

knowledge, discussions

New knowledge, atmosphere, discussions

You know what happens during our one on one sessions and our webinars? A ton of laughs, personal sharing and wonderful, open conversations about sexuality. It feels so freeing and liberating for everyone to be able to openly share their thoughts, fears, fantasies, talk about shame / guilt and realize how incredibly similar we all are. Playful, experimental and joyous at our very core with nothing to be ashamed of!! Join me tomorrow at 7pm for a free online webinar to experience this for yourself: https://spiritsexlab.com/events