
Busy holding onto your unworthiness.

“Your problem is you’re… too busy holding onto your unworthiness.”
Ram Dass

Yes. There’s a personal story connected to this saying. One day at a rock climbing gym as I was reaching the top of the tall climbing wall I had a moment of intense fear. “You can’t do it”, – the fear said to me “this is unsafe, you will fall down, you’re just not strong enough”. It was a momentary uncomfortable experience, fear gripping my whole body and thoughts racing in my head. I looked down and saw my partner belaying me (essentially I was being held by a strong rope and so no matter what would happen, the worst outcome would’ve been me just dangling a bit in the air until I grabbed onto a stone again). I took a deep breath and looked up and noticed that I only had 3 more stones to go, I knew I was physically strong enough to proceed. And then it hit me “I was the one stopping myself. Always”.


Feeling my essence was mind blowing

Have you ever felt your essence? That part of you that has always been and always will be? Join my free Energy Orgasm Fundamentals webinar on June 25, 7pm to experience yours. Sign Up: https://spiritsexlab.as.me/EnergyOrgasm or learn more at https://spiritsexlab.com/events/

difficult emotions

Managing difficult emotions


“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” — Sigmund Freud

… Pain. This familiar intense feeling of burning usually starts just below my navel, radiating up through my chest… Creating an excruciating pressing sensation between my breasts and moving up towards the throat. This energy – wanting to come out as a scream, a cry… Tears appearing and pouring out of my eyes. And another wave – covering me head to toe…

More you can hear

The more you can hear

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

Ram Dass

I love this on so many levels – I’ve noticed that when I become quieter – I’m able to better sense into myself (meditation, mindfulness, self care); others (focusing on their energy, stories, experiences and hence understanding better); this world – you’d be surprised how much more in touch with the energy, nature, universe we become when we quiet our minds. New webinars coming up on getting in touch with ourselves, energy, sensuality and others. Stay tuned 😉

Extended mind and body

“Society is our extended mind and body.”

Alan Watts

As within, so without. Even a tiniest shift inside of us will lead to a butterfly effect for the world. Let’s focus on loving ourselves more, being more playful, open-minded, connected, shame and guilt free and kind 😉 If not us, then who? Please comment with a heart if you agree 😉

Spirit Sex Lab Newsletter – May 2020

Spirit Sex Lab newsletter – May 2020

Just sent off a freshly squeezed newsletter – have you seen it yet? Come and join our playful laboratory where we discover personal growth, pleasure and desire-related topics and helpful tips. Join our soulfully wild family.

Please see my Latest Newsletter at https://bit.ly/2yYBIla and Subscribe at http://eepurl.com/gb3nzf

Full Body Energy orgasm

Full energy orgasm

“Yesterday I received a beautiful gift from Evguenia. This absolute Goddess guided me through a full body energy orgasm. So what did this experience feel like?

You know the pulsating feeling that grips you when a part of your body “falls asleep” or goes numb? Then you start to move that body part and feel slightly uncomfortable but satisfying and relieving sensation of it coming “back to life”?

What a Wonderful Difference it made

Did I mention I have the best clients ever? This kind note comes from an amazing client of mine – we worked together over a period of several months focusing on becoming aware and learning to work though and remove his emotional, sexual and energetic blockages. He had quite a few things to reevaluate and redefine with regards to his view of himself (boosting self-confidence and self love), sexuality (accepting his wonderful essence and preferences) and openly communicating his needs and fantasies to partners (oh, the world of possibilities!). We also deepened into an alternative relationship style exploration. So proud of his progress and how open, powerful and resilient his energy is nowadays. He’s running a successful business, is a wonderful parent and is immersed in multiple playful connections at the moment. Way to go!

man suffers

Man suffers

“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the Gods made for fun.”
Alan Watts

“Stop overthinking it”, they say. “You’re too emotional, sensitive, focused, zoomed in…” Do any of these sound familiar? At times, we get overwhelmed by negative emotions and obsessive thought patterns. One of the best tool I’ve found to quiet the mind is called a flying bird technique. Please see below and let me know your coping mechanisms.

what do I desire

What do I desire?

“It is so importance to answer this question: What do I desire?”
Alan Watts

Right now for me – Connection. What word comes to mind for you?