Body Paint

Painter’s brush – Incredible Synchronicity

Incredible synchronicity is all around. We just need to know how to attract the right events and manifest our dreams (Ask me to help you tap into your Level of Intention).
Recently, I’ve been experiencing quite an instant ability of manifesting dreams and being in the flow. Just yesterday, I had a great body painting night and before I even had a chance to post on it, got this poem in mail. It’s this astounding?! Thank you.

The sensual You

The Sensual You – Practice

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer used. […]

Happy V Day

Happy V Day, my love!

What a wonderful day to celebrate Love + You! Did you know that that awesome feeling of butterflies you get when you […]

sexy part of you

The Sexy part of you

The sexy part of you… The wild animal inside – does she feel free to express her desires, needs, wants, horniness? Does […]