Diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing + 20% off Online Healing

With the instability in today’s world, so many of us are affected by feeling anxious, unsettled and worried. Happy to share a few very helpful stress coping techniques I’ve used in my practice over the years to help you to feel more relaxed and supported.


Wisdom, understanding and guidance

“Many thanks for your wisdom, understanding, and guidance. You are a wonderful coach and I appreciate all you have done in helping me navigate my feelings and energy. I am feeling unburdened today and have a better perspective of life following our session. Thank you as well for the resource materials.”

10 Ways Self Confidence

10 ways to boost self confidence

10 ways to boost self confidence

Notice your Super Ego and set a boundary (Super Ego is an internalizing parental voice that constantly judges us to be less than who we are, learn to identify it and work through it)
Write negative thoughts down and question (CBT works wonders when it comes to questioning one’s negative thoughts – I have a hand out available)
Set intention aligned with the vision (See, taste, feel, hear, fully experience being confident, joyous and happy; set the intention to manifest this)
Add self love to your daily practice (I have a few great practices – happy to share)
Ask for painting with love / outside feedback (Beautiful way to feel the loving outside reflection – please search Painting with love in my blog at www.spiritsexlab.com)
Take sexy selfies / admire or share (Love those – have you tried?)
Get sensual clothes (Yes please)
Step outside of comfort zone + visit a playground (Oh my, nothing like an adult playground to boost one’s confidence levels)
Learn sexy skills (Knowledge is power)
Get to know + express your alter ego (Who are you deep down inside? Bring out your sexy!)

Leaving it alone

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”

Alan Watts

Feeling energized, laughing, and loving myself

“My favorite part was when I felt and saw an exuberant orange color expanding from my sacral chakra out to the world and got up feeling energized, laughing, and loving myself. I want to tell all my friends how highly I recommend working with Evguenia!”

man suffers

Man suffers

“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the Gods made for fun.”
Alan Watts

“Stop overthinking it”, they say. “You’re too emotional, sensitive, focused, zoomed in…” Do any of these sound familiar? At times, we get overwhelmed by negative emotions and obsessive thought patterns. One of the best tool I’ve found to quiet the mind is called a flying bird technique. Please see below and let me know your coping mechanisms.

Evguenia really cares

Evguenia really cares

“I also learned new skills to practice on my own, which I appreciate, and which to me shows that Evguenia really cares about her clients’ personal growth and isn’t just here ot get you dependent and hooked on what she exclusively has to offer (although I definitely am interested in with with her again!)


Very insightful, caring and skilled.

“Evguenia is very insightful and caring and skilled. I struggle to find anything negative to say whatsoever. This was exactly what I was looking for. I felt very connected to my core essence, and I especially appreciated the energetic restructuring of the heart chakra which seemed exactly what I needed.”

leave your mind alone

Leave your mind alone

“You have to know how to leave your mind alone. It will quiet itself.”

Alan Watts