look for the answer inside your question

Look for the answer

“Look for the answer inside your question.” Rumi What comes to mind here is Byron Katie with her 4 question and answer […]

Tantric Exploration

Tantric Exploration Workshop – 10/03/18

Tantric Exploration Workshop Explore the incredible world of Tantra with your partner. Tantra Sanskrit for “loom” or “weaving” as well as “continuous […]

porn orgasm

Q & A: Porn and Orgasms

Porn and Orgasm Q: “Hi Evguenia, When masturbating I can climax every time, but with other people, I usually cannot.  I get […]



Happy Love V. Day my dear ones! On this day and always I wish you lots of love! A beautiful sea of […]

relationship spice

Relationship Spice

Relationship Spice I have been married for 26 years… I know, I know – people don’t live that long 😉 The truth […]

what you seek is seeiking you

What you seek

“What you seek is seeking you.” Rumi You know that feeling that things just start falling into place and intentions you’ve been […]