Extended mind and body

“Society is our extended mind and body.”

Alan Watts

As within, so without. Even a tiniest shift inside of us will lead to a butterfly effect for the world. Let’s focus on loving ourselves more, being more playful, open-minded, connected, shame and guilt free and kind 😉 If not us, then who? Please comment with a heart if you agree 😉

what do I desire

What do I desire?

“It is so importance to answer this question: What do I desire?”
Alan Watts

Right now for me – Connection. What word comes to mind for you?

Fear of the strength within

Fear of the strength within

“What drives these internal and external walls? Fear. Fear of the strength within.” www.aliceinpolyland.com Do you notice internal blockages inside that stop […]

Miracles come in moments

Miracles come in moments

“Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.” Wayne Dyer Some of my miracle moments: Launching Kickstarter Campaign tomorrow with my Alice […]

future is promised to no one

Future is promised to on one

“Go for it now, the future is promised to no one.” Wayne Dyer What is it you’re passionate about? What makes you […]



“There is no healthier drug than creativity.” Nayyirah Waheed Agreed, creativity is an amazing force of nature 🙂 Comment: what was your […]

Make you free

Make you Free

“No might make them angry but it will make you free.” Nayyirah Waheed Have you been raised to say yes to everything […]

trust in dreams

Trust in Dreams

“Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.” Khalil Gibran What are your dreams? Did you know that […]

only from the heart can you touch the sky

From the heart

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” Rumi Lately I’ve been thinking a lot on how we affect each other […]