Healing Body Scan Meditation

Experience Complimentary Deep Healing

FREE Healing Body Scan Meditation – Compliments of Spirit Sex Lab Join me live tomorrow at Energy Orgasm Practitioner Certification webinar at […]

trust yourself

Trust yourself

You really do! I’m amazed at how much we do know – especially when we access our subconscious!!! Have you tried?
I love taking my clients on a journey of self discovery – it’s like an adventure into an unknown land as most of use have no clue who we are, which emotions we’re repressing and tacking out of sight are how our thoughts are affecting our behaviors!! Fascinating! Want me to accompany you on this wild ride? Contact for your free consultation today! https://spiritsexlab.com/contact

Connection Self

Connection: Oneself

Today, I’d like to focus on a connection to oneself and shed some light as to what is happening inside of us. […]

Healing Wounds

Healing Your Wounds Webinar Aftermath

“Meditation was very helpful for grounding me to listen to my self differently today.”
“Meditation was super  – your voice is very soothing! I completely fell asleep and felt refreshed and balanced.”

“Thank you for the webinar. The Universe had me fall asleep for most of your talk”

our reality

Our Plans

I tend to say “The future is friendly” – just like an old telecommunications commercial has taught us 🙂 Our fears, anxiety about the future  and negative projections typically never come true exactly as we were afraid they would. Have a wonderful day, my friends and enjoy today! It’s magnificent. And the NOW is also we ever had anyways!

difficult emotions

Managing difficult emotions


“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” — Sigmund Freud

… Pain. This familiar intense feeling of burning usually starts just below my navel, radiating up through my chest… Creating an excruciating pressing sensation between my breasts and moving up towards the throat. This energy – wanting to come out as a scream, a cry… Tears appearing and pouring out of my eyes. And another wave – covering me head to toe…

Webinar StressRelease May17

May 17, 10 AM – FREE Coping with Pandemic: Stress Release and Healing Meditation

Coping with Pandemic: Stress Release and Healing Meditation

FREE WEEKLY SUNDAY SERIES – In an effort to give back to the community and provide complimentary support to those who may need it, I am continuing with FREE weekly online gatherings to go over our challenges / worries, share helpful comping tips / powerful practices, meditate together and share helpful tips on staying grounded

Feel perfectly free

” One is a great deal less anxious if one feels perfectly free to be anxious, and the same may be said […]

Covid-19 Free Online Group Support and 1 Hour sessions available

Many people have asked me to offer shorter duration sessions online – and I happily obliged 🙂 Currently offering 1h, 1.5h and 2h support sessions on a variety of topics:

Covid Emotional Balance Support
Covid Sensual Desire Boost Support
Dealing with difficult emotions
Personal Transformation
Dating + Relationships
Sensuality and Pleasure Guidance