
Deviation from the norm

deviate from the norm.

And what is norm anyways? If we’re all so unique, could there really be a set of perfectly outlined, agreed upon norms? Or is it more like a spectrum? I love guidelines that are used in kink play: CSS: Consensual, Safe and Sane. I believe as long as three of these parameters are met, anything we feel or do is OK. Thoughts?

Write life with action

Write your life with actions

Just now I’ve read about Nicholas Winton – man who saved 669 Jewish kids during the second world war and kept quiet about it for 50 years until his wife discovered his notes. Incredible! And then I thought to myself – what an amazing way to write his life with actions and contribute… Going to sit with this for a while and see how I’m contributing.

good or bad

Good or Bad

We live in a world of duality and therefore majority of concepts, actions, things are judged to be either bad or good. If we zoom out, however, they really just ARE. What would you like us as a world / society to stop judging / polarizing right now?

Born free

Born free

Do you agree? I most often see judgements coming up when it comes to subjects of love and lust. And I notice that when we shift towards self love and acceptance, we feel freer to just be ourselves and expand into beautiful essence of who we are.


Love play

Sublime indeed! I love hanging out in the unconditional love frequency, it feels like an unending love exchange… Healing and guidance work are largely done in this realm. Challenging a ton of love for my clients, guiding them to love themselves even more – this work is so transformational!


Hour of play

Play could be so invigorating and healing! Want to come and play with me? Join my free Energy Orgasm Foundations webinar and learn about incredible multidimensional play with could do together:


We are what we repeatedly do

Surrounding ourselves with wonderful people, doing the things we love, growing in the direction of our dreams allows us to excel 😉

Women love themselves

Women who love themselves

Just today I was holding space for a beautiful client of mine who’s come to me to embrace her sexual force, to fall in love with herself and unleash the inner goddess.

The sensual energy is so powerful, exquisite and incredibly moving. It makes us feel alive, creative, invigorated and empowered. Often, the reason why we’re not in touch with our pleasure is due to a variety of blockages that come from your upbringing – early childhood wounding, shame / guilt associated with sexuality, feeling unworthy of love and pleasure, inability to fully accept and love ourselves as we are and not as the world wants us to be.


Feeling of aversion or attachment

Oh how timely, as I’m navigating trouble in paradise period of my poly relationship life… Honestly, as much as I’d love to dream of letting go of attachments, and just being in the now not trying to long for or control / need my partners to do something specific, I can’t. I love loving, being deeply attached, feeling the connection. And so I don’t know how practical is it to completely let go of attachments, instead, perhaps what we can attempt to do is witness it all from the side. Align with best part of ourselves during the conflict resolution phase and have open / non defensive communication supported by a common intention. Thoughts?